Thursday, April 30, 2009
Kreativ Blogger Award
Poetry Ideas
We learn as we go and I think to make our next contest easier for the participants and judges, we will post a blurb about what the judges will be looking for in that particular contest. My personal preference and belief about poetry is that the meaning should not be a complete mystery to the reader; they should not have to work overtime to discover its purpose. Not that it has to be simple and spelled out for you. Like other forms of art, a poem can be subjective just not a complete mystery. Those are my thoughts on the subject anyway. I should clarify that the meaning or message was fairly clear in the poems submitted to the contest.
I'm still tinkering with Poetry Play Thursday. I'm not sure if I should switch up the format each month or just pick a different form of poetry to explore each week. For May, I'd like to give a structured prompt for people to use, not just one word but something like the following:
What if _____________?
I might _____________
What if _____________?
I could _____________
What if _____________?
I would _____________
(Ask a Question)______________?
Would anyone be interested in trying something that structured?
What if there was no daylight?
I might run with wolves and howl at the moon
What if the moon spoke in whispers?
I could learn the secrets of the universe
What if words brought life to dreams?
I would write of the pack, intuition and truth
What if we listened to the Wild Woman within us?
![Creative Commons License](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nd/3.0/us/88x31.png)
Wild Woman by Pamela Sweet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesdays - Read
What do you wish to read?
Reading has been one of my greatest joys my entire life. Escaping to new lands, caring for new characters, and resolving new conflicts not only takes us out of ourselves, it provides us new perspective on our own lives.
For quite a while now, I've tried to cram in some reading while riding the bus or immediately before falling asleep which leaves me with a fractured reading experience. It gives me bits and pieces and not a good overall picture.
I've been telling myself I must write, write, write; put what little free time I have toward that. However, my writing has been sporadic and my enjoyment of books has been the same.
In order to write, we must read. We must lose ourselves in fantastical journeys, gain insight from the sage advice of others, and be inspired by those who have overcome. Isn't time spent reading time well spent?
I wish to spend more time reading without worrying about other things I "should" be doing instead. I wish to take my coffee, tea or hot cocoa and curl up on the sofa or a chair on our Juliet balcony and enjoy a light, warm breeze as I lose myself in another world. I wish to read without guilt.
A few books I'm looking forward to reading:
Happy Reading!!
More wishcasters have cast their wishes here.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook - April 27, 2009
I am wearing...my burgandy sleep shorts and a soft peach long-sleeved shirt. As I've said before, I sleep in some of the weirdest ensembles.
I am reading...I finished Poltergeist by Kat Richardson and am deciding whether or not to move straight on to the third book in the series, Undergound, or slip a book in between them. For some reason, I like to torture myself that way. ;) I'll be starting The Tao of Writing - Imagine. Create. Flow by Ralph L. Wahlstrom soon.
I am hoping...for a stress-free, productive day.
Just because.
You'll find more Simple Woman's Daybook entries here.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
enCouraging Bliss: My Happy Place
Christine (BlissChick) encouraged us to create a collage that represents our Happy Place. Collaging is new to me but I've been wanting to try it for a while and Christine's prompt made it fun! I could create dozens of Happy Place collages!
I apologize that the photos are so small. I used Mosaic Maker and Flickr to create this so if anyone knows how to save the collage so it appears larger, please let me know. :)
It's interesting to look at the choices people make when collaging. As I look at my choices, beauty is apparent. Beauty has always given me a high, as I'm sure it does most people, but digging deeper I find comfort, warmth, solitude, spirit, celebration, culture and knowledge. What do you see?
For more Happy Places, please check out Christine's Blisschick blog on enCouraging Bliss.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
To Sarah at Cottage Garden Studio
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such warm comments that make me smile. I want you to know that I am having difficulty leaving comments at your blog for some strange reason but it is not for lack of trying! My computer has been a bit temperamental lately so it is probably on my end.
Your story about the purchase of "Heart of Darkness" by Tabitha's husband as a gift for her is so touching! I'm happy for you that everything turned out the way it did. To everyone else, please go to Sarah's blog to read about this. I don't want to give away too much here.
With regard to Wishcasting Wednesday and the steps you wish to take with your art, I must say that you are very talented and I have every confidence that those steps will be successful. May you be blessed with courage and joy during the journey! Thank you for sharing your bliss with us!
Let's hope this computer issue disappears and I can comment at your blog again soon. I am still in the process of catching up with everyone's blogs and hopefully this won't happen elsewhere.
Love to all,
Happy Anniversary!
My husband and I married three years ago yesterday; been together for over seven years. We were busy running around yesterday so this comes a day late.
I had planned to tell the story of our somewhat unconventional relationship and courtship but I think I'll save that for another time and maybe another format.
I want the world to know that I love my husband beyond measure and am happy and content in our relationship.
Quick Wit
Gentle manner
Forgiving nature
Commanding touch
Similar interests
Mutual respect
For those of you who are not currently in a romantic relationship and would like to be, I must share that I met my husband when I was 37 years old. I had not given up on a lifelong partner but did not expect to find one either.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesday - April 22, 2009
"Be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes."
Jamie's wish prompt today is:
What step do you wish to take?
Hmmm....I guess wishes aren't enough. We've got to take action? Jamie's right. As my sister and I were saying just the other day, "It's time to stop waiting for that big thing around the corner and start living in the here and now." Many of us believe from an early age that our lives are destined for greatness. We just know that at some point, big things will happen and everyone will see our true worth.
I always thought I'd be a great writer and artist by this time, traveling the globe and thinking lofty thoughts. Maybe I'd come up with the solution to world hunger or find a way to bring peace to the stricken.
In my head, I always knew my destiny wasn't going to play out without some involvement from me, and yet I kept looking ahead, waiting for it to fall into my lap.
How can we be content when we think something better is just ahead of us? I'll be happy when such and such finally happens, we think. Why not be happy now?
What step do I wish to take?
I wish to make a concerted effort to live in the moment and enjoy not only the end result but the process of what I'm doing at any given moment. Hear the clickety-clack of my keyb
It is wise to set goals and reach for the sky; it is also wise to find value in the steps you take to reach those goals. Should I not become a famous writer and artist, but stay exactly where I am, a sometime writer/artist, daytime legal assistant with a fabulous family, a few extra pounds, and a generous heart...that's okay, too. I will take steps to find the beauty in each act and moment.
What steps do you wish to take now? To find out what others are wishing, visit Wishcasting Wednesdays hosted by Jamie Ridler at Starshyne Productions.
Computer Issues
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 20, 2009
From the kitchen...We still have a few leftovers of fajitas and spanish rice from the weekend. Not much but enough to provide my husband with a good lunch today, his day off.
From Macy's 2009 Flower Show. The photo is a bit dark and I haven't cropped out the people sitting at the end of the flower bed yet. I just thought the field of tulips was lovely.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Zen Habits according to Big Bowl
Breathe Deeply
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesdays - Clear it out!
"Be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes."
Wishtress Jamie always knows just what to ask. Her prompt today is:
What do you wish to clear out?
I could go in a number of directions with this one. There's always the household clutter and storage (junk) room downstairs or last year's leaves still mucking up the yard but I think something more important needs clearing.
My mind seems to be riddled with fear. It's not that I'm constantly quaking in my boots but I see a theme running through the past several years of my life and its time to look for a new template.
I want to make a living as an artist and writer. I want it so much I can taste it but the fear of failing chokes me and has held me back from even trying. Less than two years ago, I decided to try blogging, dip my toes in, if you will, and I found the waters quite warm. Since then, I've written a few pieces of flash fiction, some short poems, and started writing more than one novel.
Dreams became reality when I started drawing again after the group decided to create another logo for Texty Ladies. Not only am I excited about the finished project but I'm enjoying the process as well.
You say, "Well, where's this fear you speak of?" The fear prohibits me from getting really messy, making mistakes and discovering a host of incredible lessons in creativity. It cripples me and begs me to play it safe.
This fear isn't satisfied ruling one area of my life...no, its tentacles have latched onto others as well but I'm putting a stop to it now.
My wish is to clear out the fear faction so I may explore, discover, command, produce, release and yes, even fail at whatever I choose to do.
I'll be participating in Jamie Ridler's "The Next Chapter - Wreck This Journal" to help break free from fear and give myself permission to play and get messy. Maybe you'd like to join us!
For more wishes, go to this week's Wishcasting Wednesday at Starshyne Productions.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Simply Kind Tuesdays - Organizations
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sleeping with Bread - Twilight Zone
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Queen of the Blogs! Me?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We Need You - Poetry Play Thursday
I'm trying something different at Texty Ladies today for Poetry Play Thursday and I hope you'll stop by and help us out. The poetry form I've chosen for the week is Renga and it requires pairs or small groups to write.
I think it will be fun if people participate. You don't have to be a seasoned poet, just be willing to write a few lines to continue the poem.
I can't wait to find out what direction this poem will take! See you over there! :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesdays - Transformation
[NOTE: My following wish is a true wish but I'm going to claim another one and explore the topic of transformation in another post. - 4/9/09]
What do you wish to transform?
Hmmm. What WOULDN'T I like to transform right now? My figure, my yard, a certain relationship... Wait, I DO know what I'd like to transform! My kitchen!!
Let me give you the picture (I'd post one but then I'd have to do the dishes):
Our stove/microwave combo is I'm sure one of the first models ever made. The fan is basically a whole in the kitchen ceiling rimmed in silver. There's a pretty cool cut-out oval shape in the ceiling but it's trimmed in a faded border of peaches, leaves and butterflies (not the pretty you're imagining). The maple cabinets show an awesome grain but the hardware is dated and the overall look is tired and 1950s.
I don't know what the original owners were thinking but they put in a white tiled floor. White! Besides being incredibly cold on the feet, it shows every little speck of dirt and I end up getting on my hands and knees to wipe it down more often than I'd like. I'm not EVEN going to get into the curtain situation!
It might not sound too terrible but it drives me crazy and if we ever have the funds to do a remodel, that is where I'd start.
I wish to transform our oft used and outdated kitchen!
Find out what other participants are wishing at Wishcasting Wednesdays.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Lemons to Lemonade
I was having a difficult few days and didn't have any words to share when I sat down to get caught up on a few bloggy things and what did I find? A beautiful gift from a beautiful person!
I'd like to give thanks to Sema for gifting me with the Lemonade Award!
A Lemonade Award is given to bloggers that show a positive attitude, gratitude,and a willingness to share their ideas, support and online friendship. In other words, people who make lemonade when they get lemons!
Sema shares her amazing mantra cards and beautiful thoughts at her blog AffirmArt. Isn't that a fantastic name? She's also a fellow participant in Wishcasting Wednesdays and her wishes are always an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for this award, Sema!
Here are the rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 7 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. Tabitha @ ♥I Choose Bliss♥
2. Tara @ Uphill Idealist
3. Genie Sea @ Reality Insanity
4. Rachelle @ Magpie Girl
5. Claudia @ On a Limb with Claudia
6. Sarah @ Cottage Garden Studio
7. Tabitha @ The Knitting Journeyman Redux
I'm considering this my article for Simply Kind Tuesdays because I want to celebrate the generosity and support I've found here in this blogging community. The building of spirit and kindness shown is a beautiful thing to witness and experience. Thank you all for your warmth and wisdom.
Find other Simply Kind Tuesdays participants here.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 6, 2009
at The Simple Woman's Daybook.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
POETRY CONTEST & Poetry Play Thursday
Still trying to catch up on visiting and commenting at all the blogs I love to read...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesdays - Trust