We learn as we go and I think to make our next contest easier for the participants and judges, we will post a blurb about what the judges will be looking for in that particular contest. My personal preference and belief about poetry is that the meaning should not be a complete mystery to the reader; they should not have to work overtime to discover its purpose. Not that it has to be simple and spelled out for you. Like other forms of art, a poem can be subjective just not a complete mystery. Those are my thoughts on the subject anyway. I should clarify that the meaning or message was fairly clear in the poems submitted to the contest.
I'm still tinkering with Poetry Play Thursday. I'm not sure if I should switch up the format each month or just pick a different form of poetry to explore each week. For May, I'd like to give a structured prompt for people to use, not just one word but something like the following:
What if _____________?
I might _____________
What if _____________?
I could _____________
What if _____________?
I would _____________
(Ask a Question)______________?
Would anyone be interested in trying something that structured?
What if there was no daylight?
I might run with wolves and howl at the moon
What if the moon spoke in whispers?
I could learn the secrets of the universe
What if words brought life to dreams?
I would write of the pack, intuition and truth
What if we listened to the Wild Woman within us?
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Wild Woman by Pamela Sweet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
That poem is beeeeeautiful!