Friday, February 27, 2009
Haiku Friday - Saguaro Moon
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesday - Sending Some Love
Who do you wish to send some love?
My wish today is to send love out to my good friend Jane. Jane and her family have had to deal with some tragic events the last few months and my heart goes out to them. No one should have to lose loved ones the way they have. I'd like to gather up all the love and peace in the world and beam it directly into their hearts, minds and spirits. They have some very rough days ahead of them but I pray the burden will be lessened with the knowledge that they are loved and cared for not only by their friends and family but by the One whose love surpasses all.
Please join me in sending them love and strength.
I love you, Jane!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sacred Life Sunday - Me Time
Art Inspiration
Medicine (Hygieia) ~ Gustav Klimt
Water Serpents II ~ Gustav KlimtEmilie Floege ~ Gustav Klimt
Les Saisons ~ Alphonse Mucha
Job ~ Alphonse Mucha
By Alphonse Mucha
What mad genius these men possessed!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordful Wednesday (For Wishcasting - Please Scroll Down)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wishcasting Wednesday - To the Moon and Stars
Wishtress Extraordinaire Jamie's prompt today is:
Where do you wish to go?
I wish to go:
1. To Indiana and visit my in-laws.
2. Up north to visit my sister and her family.
3. San Francisco. I spent the day there once many moons ago and would love to go back.
4. Japan. My husband, son and I will get there some day! Maybe during cherryblossom season.
5. On a grand tour of Europe.
6. To a zone where creativity flows and I'm able to produce my visions and express my thoughts.
7. Visit my dear friend Jane in Ohio.
8. Dancing with my husband.
More wishes at Wishcasting Wednesdays.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Simply Kind Tuesdays - Nourishment
Isn't it the truth? Somewhere down the line, things have gone askew. I know my eating habits have. It's time to be more kind to my body and start eating healthier.
I have some weird food allergies which make it difficult to just pick up something healthy, like carrot sticks or an apple, and munch away. In my teen years, it was discovered that I had become allergic to almost all fruits and vegetables unless they were heated first. Apparently, the heat destroys the protein I am allergic to. After years of loving oranges and watermelon, fresh broccoli and more, I could now only eat those things after blasting the protein which in turn wrecked the taste for me.
After years of trying to eat semi-healthy without putting forth extra effort (and really not succeeding at it), I've decided to make a concerted effort to be kind to my body and try eating healthier again. It's so easy to slide into consuming mostly processed foods when they're so convenient and lack the protein I must avoid.
While I was sick last week, foods tasted differently, everything was too salty, and it reminded me that yes, all these processed foods ARE too salty and not just in taste. It also had me thinking about how I feel better physically when I'm eating right. That extends to my mental well-being as well. Funny how that works!I think it's important to indulge in a big fat chocolate brownie once in a while and enjoying a tasty margarita with the girls now and again. That's being kind to our soul. :) But from this point forward, I'm making a pledge to be kinder to me by taking the time to heat up those veggies and bake those fruits into a pie instead of foregoing them altogether.
Would you like to join me in this pledge?
We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are. ~Adelle Davis
Check out On a Limb with Claudia for more Simply Kind Tuesday posts.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sleeping with Bread - Recovering
I'm going to be patient with myself and my less than positive mood and pray that its season is a short one.
On a brighter note, we are beginning a new week, most of the bills are paid, and the temps are creeping up. Being sick last week, I did not get to the art projects I had planned and didn't complete a Full Moon DreamBoard for the full moon on the 9th, but I can get started on those projects now.
My words don't sound very uplifting or inspiring today but I'm satisfied with being at least a step above whining. I find sustenance and inspiration in the blogs I read so I think I'll pay some of them a visit before calling it a night.
Have a beautiful week.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thanks and I'm Back
I hope to have some time in the next few days to get caught up on reading everyone's blogs. Oh, how I've missed my daily visits!
Over at my group blog, Texty Ladies, I've posted a few questions for the writers out there. Please hop over and check out today's post and if you feel moved to do so, please leave a comment with your thoughts.
Thank you and may you have a blessed evening!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Under the Weather
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I'm SO excited! Gypsy from Creative Soul Explosion has just awarded me my first individual award! I am so honored to receive it and want to thank Gypsy from the bottom of my heart. I have been having so much fun at this blog and am meeting so many wonderful people. I realize that I don't know all of you very well but I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
It's funny how we can feel an almost immediate connection with people we meet online. We read their words and they make us laugh, cry, thrill and commiserate. From Gypsy's comments, reading her profile and her blogs, I feel a certain kinship with her as we seem like sisters of the heart. Thank you, Gypsy, for your gift and encouragement!
I would like to tag and nominate the following incredibly creative and talented people for this award. I wish I could tag you all as I have received gifts of beauty and inspiration from so many!
1. Mel at Melsdream
2. Genie Sea at Realty-Insanity
3. Molly at Her Speak
4. Jamie Ridler at Jamie Ridler Studios and Starshyne Productions
5. Mary-LUE at Life, the Universe and Everything
6. Jennlui at A Trinket Treasury
Now, to name 7 Things I Love:
1. My God. I've had an up and down relationship with my God over the years and I pray that will mature with time. I've never blamed Him for anything or turned my back completely but I haven't always felt close. This is my doing, of course, and I'm grateful His arms are always open for this prodigal daughter.
2. My husband. He is the most supportive husband in the world and I am oh, so lucky he's mine! We get each other. He took a chance, moved many miles and away from his family just to be with my son and me. He's handsome, intelligent and creative, gives the best hand, foot and back rubs in the universe and even thinks I'm sexy in my mismatched jammies with mismatched socks, medusa hair and no make-up! Thank you, honey, for sharing your life with me.
3. My son. For many years, it was just the two of us and I know it was difficult for him when my husband entered the picture, but he's developed a good relationship with my husband and for that I am thankful. My son's imagination blows me away and he'll sneak a funny line in now and again that will double me over. :D I am humbled by his bravery and love him beyond measure. I look forward to watching you continue to grow in your adult years, punkin'. I guess you'll want me to stop calling you that, eh?
4. My family. My brothers, sister and I, along with our spouses, kids and their kids experienced the loss of both of my parents in the last year and a half. We've always been fairly close and made sure we got together for holidays and such and I wondered if that would change once my parents were no longer here. It was difficult doing all the things you have to do when someone passes but we got through it okay and still get together on occasion. If it's at all possible, I feel even more love for them now than before and I pray we will always make time for each other.
5. My friends. I love that feeling when you're with your friends and gabbing about something and you start to laugh, then get on a roll and just can't stop! Tears are streaming down your face and your gut starts to hurt. I'm so thankful I have friends who can share those times with me and who have also stayed with me through the not so laughable times.
6. My kitties. Devi and Kali are so much fun and I just love them like crazy! They have such different personalities: Devi is our little catdog as she likes to play fetch and have her tummy rubbed. She also loves to snuggle. Kali is the wild one and her antics, while often naughty, are quite funny and are good for a story at the watercooler. She's also very sweet and will sleep on your face if you'll let her.
7. My writing and art. For many years, I pushed them aside and I'm still getting used to exploring that side of me again. It's a wonderful feeling, although sometimes frustrating, and with the help of many of you and your wonderful blogs, I'm excited about the endless ideas there are to explore and projects to try out. Thank you.
Please stop over at my group blog, Texty Ladies, as we were awarded there as well! :D
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wordful Wednesday - Hey, kitty, ain't it great bein' a girl?
It's Wordful Wednesday again and I need HELP!!
This is our cutie pie kitten Kali. She is 7 months old and quite a handful. As of Monday, she is now in heat for the second time in the last month. We are about to tear our hair out from all the crying and whining and crouching in an unladylike manner. Yes, we should have spayed her and her sister Devi before now but the funds weren't there and we had set February as our time to get it done. Sigh... We feel for the poor thing and wish we could take away her suffering but there will be NO matchmaking for these kitties! I sometimes wonder if Kali questions why no suitors have come calling at our door. Maybe she understands that the 10, 15, 20 degree below zero weather might be holding them back. I'd hate for her to get a complex!
Please pray that Kali, and we, gain some peace!
For more Wordful Wednesday posts, go to 7 Cloud Circus.
Wishcasting Wednesday - On Becoming
What do you wish to become?
There are a host of things I could answer here but in keeping with one of my recent posts I will say this:
My son turned eighteen in January and you'd think I would have it figured out by now but what our kids need from us sometimes changes. Some things should be constant, like the values we try to instill in them, hopefully visible in the way we live our lives. But as our kids get older and learn to tie their shoes, say please and thank you, ride a bike, finish homework first, be considerate on a date and fill out a resume, we parents need to be creative in our responses and approach while raising them.
I'm reaching the point now that many parents would have reached at an earlier age with their child, and I hope I can handle it as gracefully as some. How do I let go? How do I hold on to the bond my son and I share, yet help him separate from me and become his own man? In my head, I'm fairly certain I know what to do, but my heart? My son has what a therapist called a "Peter Pan complex," meaning he hasn't, up until now, wanted to grow up. It was just the two of us for many years and his preoccupation with me has been almost obsessive in nature. But, now, something has changed, clicked, become clear for him and he is now looking forward. It makes me feel good that he seems to have turned this corner but now I have to prepare myself for what must always come: the time when our children go up and begin to lead their own lives.
I wish to become the mother my son needs to help him gain independence and become a strong, confident young man.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Simply Kind Tuesdays - Random Acts
It's been difficult coming up with something to talk about today for Simply Kind Tuesdays. I've tried to think of a kind act I witnessed or one I performed and I'm coming up with zilch. Oh, sure, there's the every day niceties like allowing others to walk before you and opening doors for them but nothing that jumps out at me as "Wow, wasn't that nice?"
For one of my 101 in 1001 goals, I listed that I must perform at least one random act of kindness per month. Doesn't sound like much. It should be weekly or daily but in my mind, this random act of kindness should be something significant. I try to be kind to everyone at all times but I want to step it up a notch and go out of my way to be kind. Not for the glory or thank you I'd receive, just to truly help out another person and make their day a little brighter.
So, instead of walking around looking for acts of kindness in others, my pledge is to actively seek out ways I can make a difference in someone else's life today.
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. ~John Wooden
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sleeping with Bread - Friends and Tools